Mix Comfort and Style for MAWC 2019

Mix Comfort and Style for MAWC 2019, comfort and style, MAWC 2019, mawc, 2019

Heading to Miami this week with no idea what to wear? Pack what you need but also be sure to pack some comfortable clothes. MAWC 2019 is great but we want you to be comfortable because the days are long! Mix comfort and style with ease by following the looks of some of my friends. Get inspired by their style! Read here for how to mix comfort and style for MAWC 2019!

Mix Comfort and Style for MAWC 2019

Athleisure- You can’t go wrong in your favorite workout clothes. Some leggings and a crop top will be perfect for the long days. We want you guys to be comfortable!


Sweatpants- Now that Kim and Kanye have made his fashion brand into a household name sweatpants can be made chic. How can you style sweatpants to make them your own?


Graphic Tee- A band t-shirt or a graphic tee is a great way to incorporate comfort and style. Pair a top like the one below with some fabulous jeans and you’re all set!


Sports Casual- Rep your favorite team while wearing some comfortable clothes. Kourtney looks fabulous in her sporty gear.


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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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