Designer Inspired Handbags

It’s probably safe to say that most of us can think of more than a few designer handbags that we find completely swoon-worthy. Whether it’s Hermes, Chanel, Kate Spade or Chloe you’re after, affording them all would be nearly impossible. Designer handbags are works of art and are investment pieces that realistically don’t work for most everyday budgets. While top designer handbag replicas are considered counterfeit and, in some states even illegal (why would you want a knockoff anyway, right?) Designer inspired handbags are a fabulous and thrifty option for still getting the look. Whether they’re inspired by color, shape, size or structure, affordable options that have similar elements to the designer bags we love, can be found in more of your favorite shops than you’d ever imagine.

The iconic quilted Chanel handbag would run you around $5k, while this Mossimo® Quilted Crossbody Handbag with Chain Strap by Target rings in at about $27.




If it’s the structured style of a Hermes Birkin you’re after, start saving or pick up this Faux Croc Trapeze option at Forever 21 for just around $30.


Forever 21:

Love the fun patterns of a classic Kate Spade tote, but can’t quite handle the price tag? Don’t worry, Banana Republic has you covered for about a quarter of the price.  Coming in at about $60, these citrus inspired bag is perfect for summer.

Kate Spade:


If it’s the Chloe Alison you just can’t live without, you’re in luck, Ann Taylor’s structured Gallery Tote has the form, function and classic navy color – the perfect complement to any outfit. For just about $120, you’ll feel great about this timeless purchase.


Ann Taylor:

Have you seen any designer inspired handbags recently that you absolutely have to have? Do share!




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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