Wardrobe Emergency: How to Get Stains Out of Your Clothes

How to Get Tough Stains out of Your Clothes

Few things are as frustrating with your wardrobe than when a hefty stain settles in and refuses to budge. And, of course, this usually happens on your favorite top or dress, often in a white or very light color. It seems that red wine, tomato sauce, and coffee all somehow manage to find their way onto the finest of fabrics. But that shouldn’t mean the end of a garment’s life. If you find yourself in a pinch, here are a few ways to salvage your favorite item until you can have a professional treat it for you.

How to Get Tough Stains out of Your Clothes

Wardrobe Emergency: How to Get Stains Out of Your Clothes

Red Wine Stains: Gently dab or blot the excess wine from  your garment with a clean cloth. At this point, you can neutralize it with white wine, if you have it handy, or apply salt to the stain to absorb the liquid and prevent it from adhering to the fibers of the fabric. Club soda also works well, in the absence of white wine or salt. In the absence of salt, try applying a baking soda paste and gently dabbing until the stain is gone or lightened considerably.

Coffee (or Tea) Stains: Coffee and tea tend to permeate fabric more quickly, so time is of the essence in order to treat these culprits. Blot the liquid as soon as it spills. Use a clean paper towel or cloth to attack the spot. Use cold water to rinse or rub the stain persistently until it’s gone. For set in stains, or if the stain hasn’t gone away completely, rub in a small amount of liquid laundry detergent and let sit for a few minutes. Rub the fabric against itself and then rinse with cold water. If detergent doesn’t work, try that step with vinegar for a tougher solvent.

Blood Stains: If a small injury has befallen your clothes as well, try using cold water to remove a blood stain. Treat it as quickly as possible to avoid having it set in and attach to the fabric fibers. The water must be absolutely cold – using warm water will only make the stain worse. Run the fabric under cold water, and add gentle soap. Work the soap into the stain and rinse with cold water, repeating until the stain is gone. Then wash as usual.

Berry Stains: Rinse the stain with mild soap and water, rubbing between your fingers. Blot and dry to check for effectiveness. You can follow up with lemon to cut through the stain by applying directly and rubbing. Rinse with cold water and repeat if necessary.

Tomato Stains: This tough stain will require a little extra work and may need to wait until you can fully remove the garment. Blotting with vinegar should do the trick when spot treating. If the stain is larger and stubborn, soak in white vinegar for 30 minutes, then rinse before pre-treating with detergent and washing as usual.

Ink Stains: You’ve probably heard this before, but to remove a tricky ink stain, hairspray may be your best bet. Spray the stain and blot with a clean, soft cloth. Repeat until the stain fades, then wash as usual.

Grease Stains: Grease stains are a bit easier to treat than the others above, mostly because they will dissolve in the wash. To handle it on the spot, apply mild soap and water and rub the stain to alleviate it. When you’re able to wash it, pre-treat it with detergent by rubbing the fabric together to break up the molecules before washing. Then wash as usual.

Note: For extremely delicate fabrics, consult a professional and refer to the instructions on the tag.



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